Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Keyframe Interpolation using Illustrator paths

Interpolation means to insert between key points. 

Besia curves on After Effects, these can be adjusted exactly the same as you would in illustrator. these have anchor points and also give you that chance to be able to make the way path of an object or text to move along this line. 

This is the top tool bar which you have some of your options on which you can use, the one that you would use to create the besia curves would be the pen tool. 

If you click and hold this button down you are then able to work with the way in which you want things to be work, this can give you a strong way in which you can work by using the process of the convert tool and the vertex tools.

After Creating You Path.

you can then select the centre key frame in the centre you are then able to click on the animation section on your top work bar and then you are able to click on the keyframe interpolation, 

This is my way path before editing. 

 as you can see from the above image, the standard settings are on continuous bezier, this is a way in which your way path will stay the way that you have drawn it. however if you then change the spatial interpolation to linear you then can achieve a different outcome.

New way path after editing.

Now to create 5 key frames on one way path 

If i am then to change the temporal interpolation, this will effect the key frame to become a HOLD KEY FRAME, this will make sure that there is no change between keyframes.

My way path before the hold interpolation had been placed on 

AFTER my way path has had the hold interpolation placed onto it. 
after doing this i will also be able to see that the diamonds have changed in the time bar at the bottom right, these now should look like this

To SPEED UP or SLOW DOWN and of the key frame sequence you can then make sure that it keeps the same consistency, i can change this by selecting all the key frames and then holding down the ALT key and this will then move then all the same so you can adjust it to one second, but then could also keep the same gaps between the frames yet have it at two minutes.

To Keep A Constant Speed...

When i have a key frame and i have rapid change in the speed that things are changing, i can alter this to make sure it all works together and at a decent pace. 

To do this all i need to do then is to make sure that i select the centre key frame points on the position section of the sequence of which i want these to work. i will then make sure that i go back to the key frame then you can either 

Right Click > Rove Across Time 
Go into the interpolation interface again and then change the bottom setting to Rove Across Time. 

Importing Vectors from Illustrator then using as Way Points on After Effects...

First you need to open Illustrator 

Secondly copy the vectored shape then you can paste this over the shape in After Effects. 

This will then give you a way path so that it moves perfectly around the outside of the letter. this will give you a strong look on what you would want to happen. 

This works with any of the possible outcomes for anything that you may need.

I am also able to make the text or image to move along the way by sticking to the way that it works with the Auto-Orient tool, this allows you to make something move along a path and make it stick by following the steps above. 

Using Masks On After Effects and Illustrator...

On your work you can then create a solid which fills the full composition, this then can be changed by if you go to the top left section where you will see these options 

these can then be drawn over the top to make sure that you then have a other shapes other to the standard square, once you have drawn these on you can then add these over the top and this allows you to work with these. 

These options will then become available, these are like the position and the possible other key path options which can be changed, although these have a more varied view on what will happen with the shape. 

if you click on the edge of the shape you can then alter this as if it was an Illustrator document.

This allows you to go from the first image below, to the second with ease.

If you want things to pulsate, you are then able to simply copy and paste a key frame. this can be changed by simply copy and paste a key frame then move to the section where you want it to convert back to this section. This then will give the effect i was trying to achieve. 


all i need to do is have the text that i want to be altered by making then click on the mask path, this then allows you to make the mask move over the top on anyway that you want things to happen.

With a new solid layer added into there and it still selected, i can then copy and paste a illustrator vector straight from illustrator, this then allows you to be able to copy it straight in as a mask.

Once you have done this you can also modify each point on this overall so that i can then make things look like they are melting and / or corroding. (and any other ways you may like it to look)

When placing some text over the top of a pattern which yo have imported from Illustrator, you are then able to make this work for you in the best possible way by using the Toggle Switches / Modes which you can find below

This should then toggle up this section change bar which will then give you the option to make the polka dots just in the place where the text is and no where else. 

If you then select the "Alpha Matte 'dots texts'ai" due to this being the layer that is sat on top.

This is the effect i should then be able to achieve.


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