Thursday, 2 February 2012

Working with cameras...

This is something that i had to learn how to do when working with z spacing. At first it was a big challenge but i think i drastically got better at using this, there were a few problems which i had to overcome but i got there in the end...

I had to make sure that i changed the camera lens to a 35mm so that i could get that longer ranged effect

Working with the layout of the layers once they were all in place was a nightmare, as i got really confused cause i had the front and side angle so when i was working it out i kept making the mistake of forgetting to make the camera a 35mm so that when i finally did do that it changed the whole concept of how it looked and it changed how it was all laid out...

Camera settings on 50mm

Settings then changed to 35mm and this is what happened, thus leaving me with the problem of resetting how all the images are laid out and where i want them to be placed for the title sequence to be successful.

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